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POLANIK Full Carbon Premium Line Javelins


The Polanik Full Carbon javelins are the next products added to the Premium Line which came into existence along with creating excellent class Ziolkowski Hammers.

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Currently, there are two models included in our offer: 600g and 800g. Only their shank tails are painted, the rest of the shank surface shows a spectacular structure of carbon fiber. In the near future, different models with various levels of rigidity, diversified colors, javelin cord types and head constructions will supplement the Full Carbon line. The javelins are produced on the completely new instrumentation which guarantees higher precision of dimensions and weight distribution. The duralumin we use is also changed. Its modified chemical constitution allows us to increase the javelin rigidness. All the new line javelin models have got weights and dimensions at the edge of the IAAF technical allowance, what ensures the highest possible range. The javelin cord is a new one, too: synthetic core in cotton plait. In the jubilee year the transparent powder paint refers to the first models of Polanik aluminum javelins from 1985.